Lego lord of the rings walkthrough dark wizard
Lego lord of the rings walkthrough dark wizard

lego lord of the rings walkthrough dark wizard
  1. #Lego lord of the rings walkthrough dark wizard full#
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#Lego lord of the rings walkthrough dark wizard full#

(As a Life Wizard, I often choose healing spells so I may keep my party at full strength while they attack.) Once I run through my deck – assuming I have mana and health left – it will shuffle and I begin again.īattle can be a single player affair, but more often another player will run in to help you. Some may require more power than I have stored others may be only healing spells when what I need to do is attack.

#Lego lord of the rings walkthrough dark wizard plus#

Each time my turn is up, I am show seven random cards from my deck of 20 (14 spells plus six from my wand). If your deck is limited to 14 cards (spells), you must choose what will work best for you in your situation. You take a turn, the monster takes a turn and so on. When you fight monsters in Wizard101 it’s a turn-based affair. Your base six on your wand (until you buy a bigger wand!), a few you’ve earned from your school, a few you’ve trained in other schools, a treasure card or two and perhaps a piece of jewelry that gives you a spell. So, you’ve got a plethora of spells to choose from.

#Lego lord of the rings walkthrough dark wizard free#

Some give you a free spell – one copy but free none the less. The final piece in building your deck is the items you wear. If you’re looking for something to use in a hurry you buy a card there for use like a treasure card. If there’s a treasure card you need but can’t find, or a spell you haven’t earned yet (or never will), you can visit the Library where every spell is available – for a price. The spells for your own school you acquire by visiting your Professor (mine is a cow…) at levels 1, 5, 8, 10, 16, 22 and so on. If you want to be a Life and Death wizard, you can.

lego lord of the rings walkthrough dark wizard

Also, I get them for free! By allowing a player to spend their training points as they see fit in any of the other six schools, players can specialize their wizards any way they see fit.

lego lord of the rings walkthrough dark wizard

As a Life Wizard, most of my school spells are less offensive and more of the healing type. Every four levels or so you’ll earn a Training Point these can be spent at schools of magic other than your own. Other spells are gained through your school trainer. Treasure Cards are single-use spells they are usually rewards or loot found from monsters and are exceptionally powerful so choosing to add them to your play deck will depend upon the situation you are entering. If I have the spell Tempest (think of a Tsunami), I can place up to three copies in my 14 open slots. I must choose the 14 other spells I want to use from my deck using the limitations described above. The Cards (heretofore known as spells) attached to my wand are freebies. I “build” my combat deck from these cards. I also have a Starter Deck that contains the first spell in my school it allows for 14 total cards (spells) used in combat from the deck but no more than three copies of each spell and 5 Treasure Cards can be used. My starter wand gives me six Cards, one from each of the seven Schools (less balance): Thundersnake, Frost Beetle, Firecat, Dark Sprite, Blood Bat and Imp. I tend to play Life Mages so we’ll use that as an example. Each Wizard has a wand that produces a spell based upon the school it is associated with. (And ow! those monsters hurt!)Ĭombat is unique: Difficult to explain, easy to perform, but unique. Though you begin by removing ghosts from Unicorn Way and Saving Private O’Ryan, by the time you reach Dragonspire the world becomes rather dark as you reach closer to the truth of what has happened to the instructor for the School of Death. In the beginning, you’ll interact with Headmaster Ambrose rather frequently but as time passes, other Professors and “characters” within the various parts of the world will ask for your help.

#Lego lord of the rings walkthrough dark wizard series#

Using a very extensive series of quests, much of your first few days in Wizard101 will be spent learning about the combat system, the spell system, the quest system, the badges, the items and gathering hints about something rather nefarious having happened to the School of Death. Kudos to the art director for designing the look and feel of an entire world, not just an area or characters or monsters. Nor do the images feel as if they don’t fit within the world. Though the mini-games – one of the mechanisms in the game for earning extra gold and regaining your health or mana – are drawn in a comic book 2D style, it is no less charming. Colors are vibrant, detail is exaggerated and nothing feels out of place. From the enormous tree, Barttleby (he has a name because he has a face and watches you!), to the detail in the flagstones on the sidewalk, everything has a feel I can only describe as Disneyland-like-magic. This isn’t just a bunch of images thrown together but a carefully planned design – a style unique unto itself. From the beginning the most striking element of Wizard101 is the art direction.

Lego lord of the rings walkthrough dark wizard